The "Niederländter Meeting" 2014

Once every year about 500 „Niederländter“(‚The Dutch’) from 23 societies meet for their „Große Weltumsegelung“(‚The great voyage around the world’) in Pappenheim.
This traditional meeting has taken place in Pappenheim for 125 years.
The main aim of this gentlemen’s club is to forget about every day’s worries and to escape into a fantasy world of humour, arts and friendship with its own rules and rites.
On the 25th of May 2014 there will be a big parade through the streets of Pappenheim. It starts at 10:45 a. m. at the market square. From there the way will lead up to the castle, where a traditional speech will be held. Music will be provided by the marching band of Pappenheim.