Weißenburg – Free imperial city with a Roman Heritage and Treasure

For those who love Roman history, Weißenburg is an outstanding place to visit, because in AD 89 the Romans founded a garrison town here, the vicus Biriciana.
In 1979 a gardener discovered a Roman treasure of around 150 items including 16 statues of gods, bronze vessels, and household items. This treasure, one of the most important archeological finds in Germany, forms the core of the Römermuseum.
The Roman baths in Weißenburg are one of the most remarkable relics of the Roman camp in the north of the Alps.
Restored to his original state, the northern gate of the fortress Biriciana gives a great impression of the Roman period.
Since May 2006 the 'Bavarian Limes Information Centre Weißenburg', which was installed on the ground floor of the Roman Museum and is designated to be part of the management plan for the world heritage application to UNESCO, has added to the range of museums of the city of Weißenburg. Here, visitors are provided with detailed information about the entire Upper Germanic Rhaetian Limes between Rhine and Danube, and also about the Roman evidence at the Rhaetian Limes in the districts of Ansbach, Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen and Eichstatt as well as in the national park Altmuhltal.
Well worth seeing are also the monuments of the free imperial period, such as the Ellinger Tor (gate), the Gothic town hall or the well-preserved town wall.
Also culturally, the city has much to offer such as concerts, theatre, lectures and the festival summer in the “Bergwaldtheater” (open air theatre)
Distance from Pappenheim: about 10 min. by car